Wednesday, January 14, 2015

New email on blog

Hi again--I know I just posted, but then I decided to change the email affiliated with the blog to the new address I've just received for the library.  This will send your messages to the address I check most often, and bring questions and the like to my attention a little quicker.  I haven't quite figured out how to hyperlink the new email, but I'm working on it--and in case you can't access the sidebar for some reason, the new address is

Utterances Is Back!

Got an email from Bailey at Berry the other day--due to popular demand, some of the students are going to hold another 'Utterances' workshop this semester!  The first one will be next Tuesday (the 20th)--still from 6:30-8, still in the Coosa Room.  The meetings will be every other Tuesday after until the end of April (the last one will be on April 28th).    Here's the offical flyer:

Jeanne and I had a great time at the Performer's Showcase last Thursday--we've booked everything for Story Hour this summer--but didn't book any workshops for teens due to low participation the past few years.  There's always a chance that something local might come up before May 26th (aka Opening Day), and I'll keep you posted if it does.  But.......we tentatively have booked a Halloween horror show for teens in October--we'll let you know when it's finalized :)

Remember that TAB meets tomorrow (the 15th) at 7 in the Children's office, and that the library will be closed next Monday (the 19th) in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

TAB next week and Summer

Hi, hope everyone had a great holiday season (and break from school!) Our time before the break was dominated by moving everything (almost) out of the Children's Department so we could get new carpet and shift everything around.

Now that it's mostly taken care of (the big stuff anyway),  we're gearing up to start our preparations for the Summer Reading Program--the YA theme this year is 'Unmask!', and the general theme is heroes. We're getting our contact list ready for donation requests (how we get most of the prizes we give away in our weekly drawings!) and tomorrow Jeanne and I will be going to Fayetteville, GA for the South Metro Performer's Showcase--which is exactly what it sounds like--an opportunity to watch different performers that we might be able to get for shows this summer.  We usually try to book at least one or two for teens for afternoon shows--hopefully we'll be able to get some really good performers for all of you :)

Because the showcase is two hours away and starts so early, I'm making the executive decision to move TAB from this week until next week, the 15th, so that we'll have a chance to go through all the information we're given and get an idea of some of the performers that might work for teen shows.

Also, I'm considering changing the meeting time to something earlier, if it works for everyone.  Some of our members have marching band or sports practices in the fall, but at least for now, there's not as much going on after school.  If we could meet from 5-6, that would get everyone home sooner--which would be great since it's starting to get really cold!

Hope to see everyone who's available next Thursday for our meeting--bring your ideas for summer activities, Teen Read Week, or anything else you can think of :)