Monday, December 23, 2013

Change in January TAB

In our last TAB meeting, we set the date for our January meeting as Saturday the 11th--but I found out last week that my cousin's baby shower is going to be that day--so, now the meeting is moving to Thursday, January 9th at 7PM.  We'll talk about guests for next summer, since Jeanne and I will be at the Performer's Showcase that morning and also make plans for our Poetry Reading/Slam scheduled for the next Thursday, the 16th.  Remember, all you have to do to join is be a middle or high school student between the ages of 13 and 18--so come and help us get some teen activities planned for 2014!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

No TAB this month

Because it's such a busy time of year, we won't be having a Teen Advisory Board meeting in December.  Our next meeting will be Saturday, January 11 at 1--the week before our Poetry Slam on Thursday the 16th.  We'll give Thursday evening meetings a try starting in February--more to come on that later.  Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season (and break from school), and we'll see you in January :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Fines for Cans and Poetry Slam

This week (November 18th through 23rd), the library will be doing Fines for Cans--for every unexpired can of food you donate, we'll remove $1 off your fines, up to $20.  It doesn't apply to lost or damaged materials, but is a great opportunity to help those in need and knock down (or even pay off) your fines.  Even if you don't have any fines, donations are still welcome, and will help out the Rome-Floyd County Community Kitchen at this busy time of year.

Also, the Teen Advisory Board will be hosting a Poetry Slam on Thursday, January 16th--mark your calendars and get to writing--more details to come!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

First NaNoWriMo Thursday tomorrow!

Tomorrow, November 7th, from 4:30 to 6:30, drop by the Children's Theater for our first NaNoWriMo Thursday!  Sometimes the hardest part of writing is finding the time, so we're giving you an hour and a half a week, for the first three weeks of the month (since we're closed on Thanksgiving, and...well, you'll be out of school and will have time to write then anyway ;) ).  You can bring your novel's 'soundtrack' and hole up with your headphones, or ask for input from other writers.  We've only got two outlets in the theater, so if you're bringing a laptop or other device, it might be best to charge it--or you can go out in the Young Adult area at the computer counter, since ours aren't in yet.  The important thing is to find what works for you and let the creativity loose!

Monday, November 4, 2013

TAB on Saturday the 16th two weeks
Our next Teen Advisory board meeting will be Saturday, November 16th @ 1PM in the Children's Theater.  Come join us for hot chocolate and share your ideas for all things Young Adult at the library!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013


No, it's not the name of a mythical creature, a tribe of indigenous people, or the country in which a new post-apocalyptic teen series takes place--it stands for National Novel Writing Month--which just happens to be November!

Have you always wanted to write a novel, but just didn't know how to get started?  If so, you can go to to register, read pep talks from authors like James Patterson and Marie Lu (she wrote the Legend trilogy in YA books), and get started with a Noveling Workbook (they have these at the elementary, middle, and high school levels--and they're nothing like the workbooks you have at school!).  You can also take part in forums for support from other young writers. 

But what if your issue is setting aside the time to write (I know I struggle with this!)?  Well, you're in luck, because during the month of November, we'll be helping you out here at the library by sponsoring NaNoWriMo Thursdays, on the 7th, 14th, and 21st (not the 28th because we're closed for Thanksgiving), from 4:30-6 PM.  This will give you a chance to come in and set some time aside just for writing in a quiet place--or maybe get some feedback from other writers who show up.  Hopefully this will help inspire you to keep writing all month long :)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Question of the Week

Our new Question of the Week is: "In honor of Halloween, what's your favorite scary movie?"

 You can post your response on our bulletin board in the YA area, on the column between the computer counter and the start of the fiction shelf.  Let us know what makes you jump out of your skin, and maybe even get some ideas for a new thriller for Halloween night!

Monday, October 21, 2013

Welcome to our blog!

The purpose of this blog is to promote events and provide information about the Young Adult Department of the Rome-Floyd County Library.  We're working on revamping the department--it's in front of the Children's Department now, and you can expect a lot of changes over the next couple of months, like some artwork done by the local high schools and new touch-screen laptops (hopefully they'll be installed sometime this week!)

Our Teen Advisory Board has met three times so far, and we just celebrated Teen Read Week with Book Blind Date and Game Night.  We're hoping to have some more activities coming up, maybe movie premiere parties or something to break up the boredom the week after Christmas.  Got any suggestions?  Let us know by dropping us a note in our Suggestion Box in the Young Adult area, sending an email to the address in the right column, or just respond to this post :)