Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Teen Lit Day, summer volunteers, and new releases

Remember that tomorrow is Teen Lit Day and we'll have Spine Poetry and sweet treats for cards all day, and will be showing 'I Am Number Four' at 6PM in the Coosa Room--free drinks and popcorn included :) Teen Advisory Board members (or other teens) who help set up or take down (probably around half an hour before and after the movie--so either 5:30-6 or 8-8:30) can earn volunteer time as well :)

We've been busy gearing up for summer in the Children's Department--contacting sponsors, picking up prizes, planning programs, and (finally!) getting our brochure ready for the printer.  If you're interested in volunteering, drop by the Children's Desk and ask us for an application.  We choose volunteers on a first come, first served basis, and will look over applications (and times available) and get back to you with your schedule around the middle of May.

Even though summer takes up a lot of time and energy at this time of year, we're still ordering and getting new books all the time.  Here's a list of recent books that are new to the Rome Branch:

John Lewis (graphic novel)
Y 741. 5  Lewis Bk. 1

The Lost Books
Ted Dekker
Y Dekker Bk. 2

The Lost Books
Ted Dekker
Y Dekker Bk. 3

Slated trilogy
Teri Terry
Y Terry Bk. 2

Witch & Wizard
James Patterson
Y Patterson Bk.1

Witch & Wizard The Fire
James Patterson
Y Patterson Bk. 3

C.J. Hill
Y Hill

Slayers Friends and Traitors
C.J. Hill
Y Hill

Alice in Zombieland
Gena Showalter

Y Showalter Bk.1

If you'd like to put some of these on hold, you can do it from home using your library card and PIN number, or give us a call and we'll be glad to help you :)

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Spine Poetry and Teen Lit Day

I started doing a monthly display of YA books back in the fall--and since April is National Poetry Month, I decided to do something a bit different (and more interactive)--spine poetry!

Spine poetry?  What?  

No, it's not poems about the miraculousness of the human spine (though it is pretty amazing)--spine poetry is the art (if you want to call it that) of stacking or shelving books so that the titles listed on the spines somewhat make sense to create a poem.  Here are some examples I found online:

And here are a couple I made myself with some of our own YA titles:


Want to create your own spine poetry?  We'd love to see it!  You can either create your own at home or school and post them on our Facebook or Twitter pages--or when you come into the library, use the computer counter to make some (of course we want to see them too--so you can either post them or let us know and we'll snap a few pictures to add).  We'll be doing this throughout the month of April--it'll be cool to see what you come up with :)

And speaking of coming into the Thursday would be a good time to do that.  Why, you may ask?  Because it's Teen Lit Day, and we'll be celebrating all day long!  Young Adults (12-18) can bring their library cards to the desk in the Children's Department for a goody throughout the day, and then we'll be showing I Am Number Four at 6PM that evening, with free popcorn and drinks.  Floyd County schools are out the next day, so it's the perfect kickoff for your Spring Break!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

And the winner of Book Madness is......

Lord of the Rings!

I think we'll make this an annual thing--and maybe next year we can add in another aspect of the competition with creating possible brackets at the begging, and have prizes for those who guess the whole thing--I'll have to think of something good :)

Speaking of something good......Teen Lit Day is coming up on April 17th--which works out nicely for us, since Floyd County Schools have the next day off--so be on the lookout for something to celebrate that evening :)

One final reminder--I'll be off on May 1st so our last TAB meeting until August will be on Thursday May 8th--same Bat time (7PM) same Bat place (Children's Theater--or possibly the office if we need computer access).

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Link to Final Round

Here's the link to the Final Round voting:

We'll post the winner next Monday, March 7th, at noon.

Final Round Starts Today!

The results are in for Round 4--the odds were not in the favor of The Hunger Games, and even with a Greek god for a dad, Percy Jackson didn't make the cut.  The last two series in the competition are a couple of classics--Lord of the Rings and The Chronicles of Narnia.  Voting will go until noon next week, since we lost a bit of time with the tie-breaker last week.

Also, remember TAB this Thursday at 7PM--I'll leave at 6 to go pick up some stuff, but will be back in time for the meeting.  Bring your ideas for Teen Lit Day on April 17th :)